City and Address Auto-Complete for Load Posting

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Hello everyone! We have made updates to the load posting portions of the web app and site to make it faster and easier to post loads. We will be continuing the update throughout the week but as of now you can post loads with a full address or the city and state in the origin and delivery fields.

We are continuing to streamline our user interface and this will continue to make the site faster and easier to use across all devices and on your computer.

Faster auto-complete and the ability to enter an actual address are steps to help support new feature roll outs which will improve the overall functionality of the platform for direct shippers as well as brokers who need to post loads and who also want to share them.

Here is a screen shot of how the auto-complete works. You can enter in a full address or you can enter in a city and state. This means faster auto-complete for posting loads and the ability to post the full address for a pick up or delivery location if you choose to!

Load Board ComFrieght


If you have questions or concerns about the update please email the support team at support @ We will get back to you as soon as possible on requests.

Thank you everyone!

ComFreight Support Team

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